Non-Requried Reading: Hana’s List

One of the remarkable things about these non-required reading lists is how few repeats there have been. Although the comments section on my Facebook links make it clear that a lot of my friends read and remember the same books the ones that popped into people’s minds when I asked them for a list were so varied. As I was reading the lists I kept having the thrill of remembering a book I also used to love.

I definitely had that experience with today’s list from Hana, another former roommate who is now off adventuring in Milan (though she’ll be back in the States soon studying for her MDiv, which is awesome.)

The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley

Hana’s Note: If you like fantasy with a kick-ass female heroine who isn’t defined by her gender, and an incredibly well-realized fictional world, this book is for you.

The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley

Hana’s Note: Sequel/prequel to The Hero and the Crown (written first but takes place after ). Not quite as good as THatC but still pretty sweet.

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Hana’s Note: While I despise Objectivism and most of Ayn Rand’s ideas, this huge, polemical book had me hooked from the first page. (Also recommended by Madison. And my mom…)


Hana’s Note: Incredibly beautiful Sufi poetry that folks of all religious and non-religious backgrounds will appreciate. Particularly if you love the arts 🙂 (I also love him as regular readers may remember.)

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Hana’s Note: Depressing by fascinating, and in some ways highly predictive of the world we’ve become. Food for thought, for sure.

I’ll admit that I’ve started Brave New World at least five times, and have to yet to finish it, but I guess I have to give it another shot.

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